
Three STAR Apps From SXSW!

14 Mar , 2013  

Thread is a pretty cool idea that I just downloaded and can’t wait to use!  The app replaces your caller ID and with every incoming call displays not only thecaller’s name, but also your last email and text exchange with that person and their most recent Facebook and Twitter posts.  These items stay on screen during your call so you can reference anything you are discussing while you are on the phone!  Cousin calling and you can’t quite remember what she named her new puppy?  Client calling and you don’t want to have to search for the budget email you sent last week?  Thread’s uses seem endless.

I have to say, when I first heard about HATER, I was not a fan.  The new app lets you share everything that makes you unhappy- from nasty food to traffic jams or long waits.  It shows a real-time feed of “hates” from people you follow and a “Hater Camera” for sharing images of these gripes.
Who needs another excuse to be negative!?
But, wait, there might be some real content here.  I come across bad customer service a lot, and want to inform my friends, but don’t want my Twitter or Facebook news feeds to be a mass of down-trodden, negative messages.  Maybe Hater is the answer, to keep my negative opinions centered in one place, and a happier online persona elsewhere!
Jifiti is a way to give gifts from afar.  I really like this idea as you can scan and gift items while in a store or from your phone on their app.  Other Jifiti users can build “wish lists” so you know exactly what a great gift for them might be.  One thing I hope Jifiti starts is situation specific gifts.  I want to press a button and be able to send someone a free coffee or – better yet – a delivered chicken noodle soup when they are sick.  If Jifiti can do that in the future, I’m on board!


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