Social Media

“The Comeback” App Reports Unfriendings!

10 Jul , 2015  

“I swear I used to be Facebook friends with him! I don’t know what happened!”

Have you ever heard someone say this? Or (GASP) uttered a version of these words yourself? If so, you have fallen victim to the unfriending. People unfriending others on Facebook is pretty common nowadays, but it can still be downright maddening!

Well, the app, WHO DELETED ME, will tell you who’s kicked your friendship to the digital curb. The app creates a feed of friends who have removed you from their friends list overtime. This is information I definitely want to know, but is one time that I do NOT want real-time alerts! I don’t know about you, but it would bum me out to get alerts during the day about someone unfriending me! Luckily, you can turn all the alert features off.

This app was originally released way back in 2009, but on Facebook, it was disabled because it “circumvented Facebook’s intended limitations.” But now, thanks to some fancy tech workarounds, the app is back and better than ever. New features make checkins, updates and usability simple and customizable.

Do you have a thick enough skin to want to know who has unfriended you? Or would you rather just go on not knowing?

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