
Texting and Driving? No! IT CAN WAIT!

20 Sep , 2012  

Texting and Driving.  Everybody knows they shouldn’t be doing it.  But, if you look at cars around you while you are cruising down the road or stuck in traffic, chances are you will see quite a few people breaking this cardinal driving rule.    The consequences are horrifying.  Over 100,000 wrecks a year involve drivers who were texting.  Also, texting drivers are 23x more likely to get in a car accident than those who are not distracted.

AT&T;’s “It Can Wait” campaign takes a stand against texting and driving. This week, the campaign hosted a “No Text on Board Pledge Day”, encouraging drivers across the nation to make a lifelong pledge to never text and drive.  More than 500,000 people took the pledge and shared their vow across Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites.
Going beyond just lip service, AT&T; offers a free Drivemode app available for Blackberry and Android.  Drivemode tells your friends and family when you are driving by sending an automatic reply that lets them know you’ll respond once you arrive at your destination.  Just set the app and go, no more temptation to respond.  Because after all, no matter what that incoming text says, it can wait!


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