
5 Digital Ways YOU Can Help Sandy HOok

21 Dec , 2012  

The tragedy at Sandy Hook has deeply affected most of us.  We continue to grieve for the loss of so many innocent lives.  I want to share with you a few ways that our fellow citizens have reached out to the Newtown community and how you can join in helping during this time.

Twitter Acts of Kindness: The Twitter movement #26Acts has been promoting random acts of kindness, one dedicated to each who lost their lives at Sandy Hook.  You can commit to join #26Acts, check out some of these tweets for inspiration. 


Donate Funds to PTSA: Crowdrise, which has crowd sourced donations, is just one of many places you can donate money. (Many of the children’s families have also set up individual donation funds).  The Sandy Hook Elementary Victims Relief Fund is raising money for the school’s PTSA organization, planning to donate a large lump sum in January.  Click Here To Donate.
Wall of Love: This is an interactive site built in response to the Sandy Hook shootings.  The site’s mission is to “prove that there is more good in this world than bad.”  Visitors submit pictures, sayings, or drawings as “pieces of love”.  Check it out here.
United Way: The Sandy Hook School Support Fund has been initiated by the United Way of Connecticut to help with funeral expenses, counseling and other services.  Help with donations here.
National Sympathy Card: Sign the online national sympathy card to send your support and love.  More than 1 million Americans signed in less than 48 hours and the number is well on its way to 2.5 million.  Click Here To Sign.

Feel free to post below if you know of other worthy organizations or ways to help.  Much love.


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